- Online Food Delivery,
- Driver Acceptance,
- Innovation,
- Communication,
- Educational Strategies
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Waladan Amin Arba Dzulhijjah , Didik Hariyanto

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
General Background: The rise of online food delivery services has transformed consumer behavior and operational dynamics within the food industry, particularly in Indonesia, which ranks high in Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) for such activities. Specific Background: Shopee's introduction of the ShopeeFood service, relying on driver partners for deliveries, has highlighted challenges faced by drivers in maintaining productivity amidst various operational obstacles. Knowledge Gap: Despite the critical role of driver partners, there is limited research on their acceptance of innovative support services, such as live chat agent assistance, and how this acceptance affects their performance. Aims: This study aims to explore drivers' perspectives on the acceptance of live chat agent services, utilizing the Diffusion of Innovation theory to understand their behavioral and communication patterns. Results: Findings reveal that the acceptance of the innovation is hindered by factors such as technological understanding, generational differences, education levels, and the effectiveness of communication channels. Furthermore, inadequate educational outreach and information dissemination by the company at the regional level contribute to the slow adoption of the service among drivers. Novelty: This research provides insights into the specific barriers to innovation acceptance within the driver community, highlighting the need for tailored educational strategies. Implications: The study underscores the importance of addressing these barriers to enhance driver productivity and optimize the implementation of innovative support services in the food delivery sector.
- Driver Productivity: Challenges faced by drivers impact their ability to maintain productivity in the food delivery service.
- Innovation Barriers: Factors such as technology understanding and communication effectiveness hinder acceptance of live chat agent services.
- Educational Outreach: Inadequate training and information dissemination contribute to the slow adoption of innovative support services among drivers.
Keywords: Online Food Delivery, Driver Acceptance, Innovation, Communication, Educational Strategies
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