- self-disclosure,
- introversion,
- anonymity,
- social media,
- identity construction
Copyright (c) 2024 Gusti Chairunnisa Hildhasari, Ferry Adhi Dharma

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Abstract. General Background: Social media platforms have transformed into vital spaces for self-expression, particularly for individuals who struggle to articulate their thoughts in face-to-face interactions. Specific Background: This study investigates the self-disclosure strategies of introverted individuals on platform X, employing Alfred Schutz's phenomenology and Erving Goffman's dramaturgical theory to analyze the dynamics of their online interactions. Knowledge Gap: While existing literature has explored self-presentation in social media, the nuanced experiences of introverts and the role of anonymity in facilitating self-disclosure remain under-researched. Aims: The study aims to uncover the motives and meanings behind the online behaviors of introverted individuals who adopt extroverted personas on platform X. Results: Findings from nine informants reveal that anonymity enables a liberating front stage, allowing for greater openness in self-disclosure, even among individuals experiencing gender inversion. Informants report a "Motive of Cause," linked to a lack of understanding peers, and a "Motive of Purpose," highlighting platform X as a vital medium for self-expression. Novelty: This research offers new insights into the intersection of introversion, anonymity, and self-presentation, emphasizing the complexities of online identity construction. Implications: The findings suggest that social media can serve as a crucial outlet for introverted individuals, fostering connections and self-exploration, which may inform future research and mental health initiatives aimed at supporting introverts in both online and offline contexts.
Anonymity as Liberation: The study highlights how anonymity on platform X allows introverted individuals to express themselves more freely.
Motives of Self-Expression: Informants demonstrate specific motives for their online behavior, stemming from a lack of understanding peers in their offline lives.
Implications for Mental Health: Findings indicate that social media can play a significant role in supporting the self-exploration and connection of introverted individuals.
Keywords – self-disclosure, introversion, anonymity, social media, identity construction
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