- BPD,
- local governance,
- regulatory roles,
- community welfare,
- transparency
Copyright (c) 2024 Moch Yatim, Hendra Sukmana

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Background: Village consultative bodies (BPD) play a vital role in promoting good governance at the local level. Specific Background: This study examines the implementation of BPD's roles in a specific village context, focusing on their effectiveness in enhancing transparency and participation. Knowledge Gap: Existing literature lacks exploration of the practical applications of BPD roles and their impact on governance across different regions. Aims: This research analyzes how BPD executes its responsibilities, emphasizing its regulatory functions. Results: Findings show that BPD effectively implements its regulatory roles, contributing to improved village governance through adherence to standard operating procedures (SOPs) and strong budgetary support from the local government. Novelty: This study highlights the collaboration between BPD and local government, providing a replicable model of good governance. Implications: The research emphasizes the need to strengthen BPD-local government relationships to enhance community welfare and suggests improving SOPs to achieve collective governance goals, contributing to the discourse on local governance effectiveness.
Highlights :
- Effective Collaboration: Highlights the successful partnership between BPD and local government.
- Regulatory Functions: Emphasizes BPD's role in enhancing governance through established procedures.
- Community Impact: Illustrates the positive effects of BPD's actions on local welfare and development.
Keywords: BPD, local governance, regulatory roles, community welfare, transparency
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