- E-Government,
- SOP,
- Community Engagement,
- Rural Implementation
Copyright (c) 2024 M. Syaiful Anam , Hendra Sukmana

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Background: The increasing reliance on technology in public service delivery has led local governments to adopt e-government systems. Specific Background: This study explores the implementation of the PLAVON e-government program in a rural context, addressing the operationalization of such systems in local governance. Knowledge Gap: Existing research highlights e-government frameworks, yet the challenges and successes of community-level implementation remain underexplored. Aims: This research aims to analyze PLAVON's implementation, focusing on standard operating procedures (SOPs) and community engagement. Results: Findings reveal that structured SOPs enhance efficiency and transparency in public services, enabling self-service for citizens. Novelty: This study offers insights into the challenges and strategies of rural e-government implementation. Implications: Results underscore the importance of tailored bureaucratic practices and community involvement, providing valuable lessons for similar programs in rural areas.
Highlights :
- Efficiency: Structured SOPs enhance the efficiency of public service delivery.
- Transparency: Clear procedures foster transparency in administrative processes.
- Community Involvement: Active participation of local citizens is crucial for successful implementation.
Keywords: E-Government, PLAVON, SOP, Community Engagement, Rural Implementation
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