- Political Education,
- Instagram,
- PDI Perjuangan,
- Social Media,
- Public Awareness
Copyright (c) 2024 Solikhul Huda, Ainur Rohmaniah

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
General Background: Social media platforms have become essential tools for political communication and education, allowing political parties to reach broader audiences. Specific Background: The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI Perjuangan) utilizes Instagram, particularly the @pdiperjuangan account, to disseminate political information and educate the public. Knowledge Gap: While political parties increasingly rely on social media for engagement, there is limited research on how PDI Perjuangan employs Instagram for political education and its impact on public awareness. Aims: This research aims to analyze the role of the @pdiperjuangan social media account as a platform for political education by examining its content and strategies. Results: The findings reveal that PDI Perjuangan effectively uses Instagram to deliver political messages, enhancing public political awareness and reinforcing national ideology and character. The content published on the account reaches various social groups, including families and the wider community, creating a significant impact on political education. Novelty: This study provides insights into how Instagram, as a visual and interactive platform, serves as a vehicle for political education by PDI Perjuangan, contributing to the understanding of social media's role in modern political communication.
- PDI Perjuangan uses Instagram to increase public political awareness and reinforce national ideology.
- The @pdiperjuangan account reaches various social groups, including families and the wider community.
- Instagram proves to be an effective tool for political communication and engagement with broader audiences.
Keywords: Political Education, Instagram, PDI Perjuangan, Social Media, Public Awareness
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