- Israel-Palestine,
- Syntactic,
- Conflict,
- Media,
- Framing
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Iqbal Maulana, Poppy Febriana

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
General Background: The Israel-Palestine conflict remains a contentious global issue, particularly as tensions escalate, drawing renewed attention to the actions of Hamas in late 2023. Specific Background: This study analyzes how CNN Indonesia and Kompas.com frame and present information regarding the territorial conflict, emphasizing the role of media in shaping public perception. Knowledge Gap: While previous studies have examined media representations of conflicts, there is a lack of focused analysis on Indonesian news outlets and their framing techniques in this specific context. Aims: The research aims to investigate the construction and presentation of narratives surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict by CNN Indonesia and Kompas.com using a syntactic analysis approach based on the inverted pyramid structure. Results: The findings indicate that both media outlets exhibit similarities in their reporting but also highlight notable differences in titles and accompanying imagery. Novelty: This study contributes to the understanding of how Indonesian media frame complex international conflicts, revealing implicit meanings that may influence public discourse. Implications: The results underscore the importance of media framing in shaping narratives about the Israel-Palestine conflict, informing future research and media literacy initiatives that address the impacts of news representation on public understanding.
- Both CNN Indonesia and Kompas.com display similarities and differences in titles and imagery.
- Framing techniques significantly influence public perception of international conflicts.
- The inverted pyramid structure is used to analyze news narratives, revealing deeper implicit meanings.
Keywords - Israel-Palestine, Media, Framing, Syntactic, Conflict
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