- Healthy Village Program,
- maternal health,
- community engagement,
- stunting reduction,
- bureaucratic structure
Copyright (c) 2024 Faima Maf’ula, Isna Fitria Agustina

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Background: This research explores the implementation of the Healthy Village Program, emphasizing local health initiatives' role in public health. Specific Background: It examines communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structures within a particular village context. Knowledge Gap: There is limited analysis of these programs' effectiveness and community engagement in rural areas. Aims: The study aims to assess the program's impact on maternal and child health and its role in reducing stunting risks. Results: Findings reveal significant improvements in community health practices and increased resident participation. Novelty: This research provides new empirical evidence on the effectiveness of local health programs and their bureaucratic structures. Implications: It highlights the necessity for organized bureaucratic frameworks to sustain health initiatives and improve villagers' quality of life, supporting Edward III's theory on policy implementation and bureaucratic structures.
Highlights :
- Local health initiatives enhance community participation in health maintenance.
- Effective bureaucratic structures are essential for sustaining health programs.
- The study provides empirical evidence on the impact of rural health interventions.
Keywords: Healthy Village Program, maternal health, community engagement, stunting reduction, bureaucratic structure
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