This scientific article aims to investigate the integration of EdPuzzle media in teaching modules developed by high school English teachers following the Kurikulum Merdeka (KM) framework. Using document analysis, 16 EdPuzzle-integrated teaching module documents were qualitatively examined to understand teachers' preferences in selecting materials, methods, models, and assessments. The findings reveal that teachers successfully developed modules aligned with learning objectives and KM characteristics, incorporating EdPuzzle as both teaching material and assessment method. The study indicates a preference for narrative text topics, blended-learning models, and discussion methods. Writing skills were predominantly assessed using short-answer techniques, with EdPuzzle media mainly utilized for learning material rather than assessment. The implications suggest the need for teachers to diversify learning approaches, explore innovative techniques, and integrate technology effectively for an enhanced English Language Teaching experience.
Keyword: Kurikulum Merdeka, Teaching Modules, EdPuzzle Integration, High School English Teachers, Document Analysis.
Kurikulum Merdeka is the newest curriculum that was introduced in early 2022 and has been used by various educational units in Indonesia. Broadly speaking, this curriculum provides flexibility for educators to create quality learning that suits students’ needs and learning environments. Some of the characteristics of this curriculum include developing soft skills and character, focusing on essential material, and flexible learning [1]. The development of soft skills and character for students is carried out through a project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students, which is a co-curricular activity that provides opportunities for students to explore knowledge and develop skills. In addition to studying important themes or issues in depth, students also take real action as a response to these issues. The implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka also focuses on using technology and learning communities to share good practices between teachers, students, and academics [2]. These principles of Kurikulum Merdeka must be applied in carrying out learning and assessment through the use of teaching tools, such as learning objectives and teaching modules, for teachers to develop teaching practices according to the curriculum. This is what then becomes a challenge for teachers in implementing the curriculum through teaching modules.
A teaching module is a form of teaching tool that includes a plan for implementing learning outcomes to help guide the learning process. Lesson plans can be paired with teaching modules that the education department develops on its own. Depending on the demands and characteristics of the students, educational institutions may utilize a number of teaching aids, such as teaching modules or lesson plans with a variety of components and styles. The teaching module can be a useful instructional tool that is crucial to accelerating the learning process [3]. In its use, the teacher has the freedom to choose or modify the teaching modules that have been provided by the government to suit the characteristics of the students, or to arrange their own teaching modules according to the characteristics of the students.
A module is considered successful when the stated learning outcomes or objectives line up with the teaching strategy and the evaluation (this is known as constructive alignment). Modules aided students in their learning, promoted critical thinking, and allowed them to use their teaching and learning techniques in practical situations [4]. The best learning occurs when students build upon and relate to prior experiences, the subject is pertinent to them, there is the opportunity for a direct experience, and when there is a clear demonstration of the relevance of the material by demonstrating how theory can be used in practice. It is also said that student-centered modules could increase students’ thinking skills and encourage them to participate actively in the discovery of knowledge [5].
In regard to the implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka, many high school English teachers in Sidoarjo, Indonesia, experience problems in preparing teaching modules. From the results of prior observations and interviews conducted by the authors, many teachers do not understand the characteristics of this curriculum and have difficulty adapting these characteristics into teaching modules. It is often found that teachers are experiencing obstacles in preparing the lesson, determining methods and media, as well as determining the evaluation used in learning [6]. Not only that, many teachers lack competence in developing current digital teaching materials in accordance with technological developments [7]. In fact, in the digital era like today, it is important for students to take advantage of technology in learning English. Likewise, teachers must be able to facilitate students with technology integration to achieve learning goals. By utilizing technology-based learning media such as software applications, classroom learning will become more interesting, optimal, effective, and of good quality [8][9].
Ensuring that the teaching modules are relevant to the student’s needs can be challenging. At the high school level, the aim of learning English is to develop competence in communicating both orally and in writing, so it is necessary to prepare materials or teaching materials that are able to facilitate students and teachers in achieving learning objectives [10]. Therefore, high school-level English teachers need to develop teaching modules that are complete and in accordance with the characteristics of high school students. In the end, an effective teaching module will be able to improve student learning outcomes. [11]
Given the importance of technology-integrated teaching modules and the teacher's lack of insight into the preparation of appropriate teaching modules, the authors conducted training and mentoring for English teachers in Sidoarjo to improve learning innovation. After the series of activities were over, the teachers were asked to create teaching modules that had been integrated with one of the interactive video-based learning media called EdPuzzle. Then, to find out whether the teachers have succeeded in compiling teaching modules according to the criteria of Kurikulum Merdeka by integrating EdPuzzle into their teaching, the authors attempt to evaluate the contents of the teaching modules that have been collected. Thus, the purpose of writing this article is to review the teaching modules with the integration of EdPuzzle media that had been developed by English teachers for classroom learning. In general, teaching modules contain at least learning objectives, learning steps (which include learning media to be used), assessments, as well as other learning information and references that can assist teachers in carrying out learning. By reviewing the Edpuzzle-integrated teaching modules, the authors hope to find out whether the teachers have fulfilled the required aspects of the teaching module.
The data used in this study are 16 Edpuzzle-integrated teaching module documents. The data is then compiled and analyzed qualitatively using document analysis techniques. In document analysis, finding, choosing, assessing (making meaning of), and synthesizing the data included in documents are the key components [12]. Using the technique, the author hopes to get an understanding of the teachers’ preferences in determining teaching materials, methods, models, and assessments. Besides, the authors also want to find out how EdPuzzle learning media is implemented in the teachers’ teaching modules.
In collecting the documents, the authors asked the teachers as the participants to submit their teaching modules by completing Google Forms. After that, the authors observe each document and record the constituent aspects of the existing teaching modules. In analyzing the data, the authors grouped based on the categories of aspects that make up the teaching modules. Finally, the authors determined the prominent patterns of the documents before concluding the final result of the study. To facilitate understanding, the results of data analysis will be displayed using charts and figures.
From the 12 teaching modules collected from target teachers, the authors found the fact that in general, all teaching modules have core components, namely learning objectives, learning steps, media used, along with learning assessment. Some of these core components have been successfully described by the teachers in their respective modules. However, other supporting information is an issue. In addition to the core components of the teaching modules, the authors found that several teachers mentioned the learning model, learning methods, and implementation of Edpuzzle used in their learning. Some teachers have done well by writing down information clearly, but others are less clear in elaborating on it, while the rest do not include additional information beyond the core components. The following will describe the findings obtained from the English teachers’ teaching modules based on the categories of teaching topic materials, learning models, methods, assessment, and implementation of EdPuzzle mentioned in the teaching modules.
Of the 12 documents collected, the majority of teachers chose to use the topic of text mastery in their teaching modules. The texts mentioned are quite varied. The texts are narrative text, descriptive text, recount text, literary text, and exposition. Apart from texts, a small number of teachers chose topics related to speaking skills to develop in their teaching modules. The topics are introducing, congratulating, and apologizing, as well as asking and giving opinions. Below is Figure 1 which illustrates the teacher's preferences in selecting learning topics developed in the teaching modules.
Figure 1.Teacher's preferences in selecting learning topics
As for the learning models, the majority of teachers have mentioned it quite clearly in their teaching modules. There are at least 7 learning models mentioned in the teaching modules that are implemented in classroom learning. They are genre-based, blended-learning, project-based, small group discussion, cooperative learning, discovery learning, and guided inquiry learning model. The findings of 7 different learning models from 12 teaching modules indicate that the teacher is quite creative in creating learning in the classroom. One teacher even mentioned three learning models at once in his teaching module. On the other hand, there are five teaching modules that do not record the use of certain learning models. The overview of the use of learning models by teachers in their teaching modules is shown in the following Figure 2.
Figure 2.The Use of Learning Models
As for the learning methods, the results are quite different compared to the use of teaching materials and learning models. Of the 12 teaching modules, only 5 were identified as mentioning learning methods. The first teaching module mentions the use of discussion, presentation, and project methods. The second teaching module mentions the mind mapping method. The third teaching module mentions lecture and discussion methods. The fourth teaching module mentions the role play and discussion methods. Finally, the fifth teaching module mentions the scientific approach and student-center methods. The remaining 7 other teaching modules do not show the use of certain learning methods. In addition to the teacher's lack of information in recording the use of certain learning methods in their teaching modules, several selections of learning methods that have been written are considered inappropriate. This inaccuracy is related to the selection of scientific approaches and student-center methods in learning. In fact, the terms scientific approach and student-centered learning are not used as a method but as a learning strategy. This of course will raise an issue regarding the teacher's ignorance of the terms commonly used in the learning process. The illustration of the use of learning methods is shown in the following Figure 3.
Figure 3.The Use of Learning Method
As for the assessment, the teachers have described the learning assessment in their teaching modules properly and completely. In the aspect of productive language skills, more teachers focus on assessing writing skills rather than speaking skills (Figure 4). This is most likely caused by the selection of teaching materials that are centered on written texts. Furthermore, based on the type of assessment, the teachers used various techniques such as essays, short answers, open-ended answers, multiple choices, and performance-based oral tests (Figure 5).
Figure 4.Comparison between Productive Skill Assessment
Figure 5.Popular Assessment Technique
As for the EdPuzzle integration into the teaching most of the teachers have succeeded in integrating and mentioning it in the teaching modules. In more detail, the majority of teachers use EdPuzzle media during learning activities, such as when introducing topics at the beginning of a session or giving examples to students in the middle of a session. Other than that, two teachers used EdPuzzle as an assessment medium, both formative and summative. On the other hand, there are 3 teaching modules that have not mentioned the integration of EdPuzzle into the teaching module, either as a learning medium or as an assessment. The description can be seen in the following Figure 6.
Figure 6.Distribution of EdPuzzle media utilization
After completing the training series for developing teaching modules and integrating EdPuzzle media initiated by the author, in general, high school English teachers in Sidoarjo have succeeded in developing teaching modules according to the learning objectives and characteristics of KM. Not only that, the majority of teachers have been able to utilize EdPuzzle media in learning, both as material and as an assessment method. Based on document analysis, the majority of teachers chose to develop teaching modules related to the topic of narrative text. In addition, teachers tend to use blended-learning models and discussion methods during class. In terms of assessment, teachers more often assess writing skills than speaking skills using the short answer technique. Finally, teachers tend to use EdPuzzle media as learning material, and only a few use it for student assessment. There are several implications of these findings for English Language Teaching. First, it is important for teachers to understand the different definitions and functions of using models, methods, strategies, and learning techniques. Second, teachers must be more courageous in exploring various methods and techniques of learning as well as assessment so that learning is not monotonous. Third, teachers must be more creative and innovative in utilizing media and technology in each lesson so that students get an optimal learning experience.