Vol 14 No 1 (2023): March
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January 21, 2023
- Fergana Valley,
- historiography,
- archaeological research,
- Paleolithic,
- Mesolithic
- Neolithic,
- bronze ...More
How to Cite
Turgunovna, M. S., & Rustamovna, A. N. (2023). Archaeological Survey of Fergana Valley in the Years of Independence. Indonesian Journal of Cultural and Community Development, 14(1), 10.21070/ijccd2023877. https://doi.org/10.21070/ijccd.v14i1.877
Copyright (c) 2023 Mirsoatova Sayyora Turgunovna, Ahmadaliyeva Nilufar Rustamovna

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
It is known from the historiography of archeology that the material culture monuments of the Fergana Valley have been studied for more than 100 years. Fergana Valley has attracted primitive people since ancient times with its favorable paleo-ecological, climatic conditions, fauna and flora.
- Islamov U.I. The first Lower Paleolithic cave site in the Fergana Valley. №8. 1984. - С. 4-12. Islamov U.I. The results and prospects of studying the cave site of Sel-Ungur Problems of interconnection of society in the Stone Age of Central Asia. - Т., 1988. - С. 12-18. Islamov U.I., Omanzhulov T. Cave Site of Sel-Ungur IMKU. Issue. 19. 1984. - С. 5-11. Islamov U.I., Zubov A.A., Kharitonov V.M. Paleolithic site of Sel-Ungur in Fergana Valley VA. Vyp. 80. 1988. - С. 66-71. Batyrov B.Kh., Batirov A.R. Fossil minnows of Sel-Ungur cave Problems of society interconnection in Stone Age of Central Asia. - Т., 1988. - С. 7-12.
- Litvinsky B.A., Okladnikov A.P., Ranov V.A. Antiquities of Kairakkum. Proceedings of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR, Dushanbe, 1962.
- Konoplya P.T. op. cit. 41-45.
- Tarih va archaeology institute
- Okladnikov A.P., Kasymov M.R., Konoplya P.T. Kapchigai paleolithic workshop // IMCU. Issue. 5. - Т.,1964. - С. 5-11.
- Kasymov M.R. New researches on Paleolithic of Fergana valley in 1964 // IMCU. Issue. 7. - Т., 1966. - С. 28-33.
- Kasymov M.R. Op. cit. - P. 29-30.
- Kasymov M.R. Op. cit. 30-33.
- Ibid. - С. 35.
- Ibid. - С. 35.
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- Latynin B.A. Works in the area of the projected hydro plant on the Naryn River in Fergana // IGAEMK. Vol. 110. - М., 1935.
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- Zadneprovsky Y. A. Ancient Fergana. D. thesis. Candidate of sciences. - Л., 1954.
- Bulatova V.A. Buddhist temple in Kuva // SA. 1951. - №3. - С. 241-250.
- Gorbunova N.G. Results of research of archeological monuments in Fergana province (to the history of Fergana culture) // SA. 1979. - № 3. - С. 16-34.
- Matboboev B.Kh. Early medieval culture of ancient Ferghana (based on historical analysis of archaeological sources of V-VIII centuries). Doctor of historical sciences. Disser. autoref. - Samarkand, 2009.
- Sayfullaev B., Abdullaev B., Rahimov I. Traces of primitive man in Andijan // Vadiynoma. 2017. - No. 1 (3). - B. 25-27.Batyrov B.Kh., Batirov A.R. Fossil small-mammal caves Sel-Ungur Problems of society interconnection in the Stone Age of Central Asia. - Т., 1988. - С. 7-12.
- Bulatova V.A. Buddhist temple in Kuva // SA. 1951. - №3. - С. 241-250.
- Gorbunova N.G. Results of research of archeological monuments in Fergana province (to the history of Fergana culture) // SA. 1979. - № 3. - С. 16-34.
- Zadneprovsky U.A. Ancient Fergana. D. dissertation. Candidate of History. - Л., 1954.
- Islamov U.I. The First Lower Paleolithic Cave Site in the Fergana Valley ONU. №8. 1984. - С. 4-12.
- Islamov U.I. Results and prospects of studying the cave site of Sel-Ungur Problems of interconnection of society in the Stone Age of Central Asia. - Т., 1988. - С. 12-18.
- Islamov U.I., Omanzhulov T. Cave Site of Sel-Ungur IMKU. Issue. 19. 1984. - С. 5-11.
- Islamov U.I., Zubov A.A., Kharitonov V.M. Paleolithic site of Sel-Ungur in Fergana Valley. Vyp. 80. 1988. - С. 66-71.
- Kasymov M.R. New research on Paleolithic of Fergana valley in 1964 // IMCU. Issue. 7. - Т., 1966. - С. 28-33.
- Konoplya P.T. Traces of Stone Age people on the territory of Southern Kyrgyzstan, Izvestiya A.S. Kirgizskaya SSR. Vol. 1. 1959. - С. 45-47.
- Latynin B.A. Works in the projected hydropower station on the Naryn River in Fergana // IGAEMC. Issue. 110. - М., 1935.
- Litvinsky B.A., Okladnikov A.P., Ranov V.A. Antiquities of Kairakkum. Proceedings of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR, Dushanbe, 1962.
- Matboboev B.Kh. Early medieval culture of ancient Ferghana (based on historical analysis of archaeological sources of V-VIII centuries). Doctor of historical sciences. Disser. autoref. - Samarkand, 2009. Matboboev B.H. Kadimgi Fargonaning ilk ürt asrlar dalari madaniyati (V-VIII asrlar archeological manbalarinning tarihiy taҳli asosida). Tarih fanlar dok. dissertation. autoref. - Samarkand, 2009.
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