Community Education Development Articles
DOI: 10.21070/ijccd.v14i1.866

Theoretical and Methodological Basis for Studying the Needs and Advantages in Youth Activities

Landasan Teoritis dan Metodologis Untuk Mempelajari Kebutuhan dan Keuntungan dalam Kegiatan Pemuda

Fergana State University

(*) Corresponding Author

information society globalization youth activity dialectics harmony interest goal need knowledge information society


This article studies the harmony of needs and interests in the activities of young people in the information society, revealing the conceptual foundations and socio-philosophical aspects of the harmony of needs and interests, conflicts in meeting the needs and interests of young people in the space of information struggle, the commonality of needs and interests in the process modernization of society and building a civil society on the basis of means of provision.


Democratic reforms and modernization processes carried out in the new stage of development of the society are primarily aimed at the interests of young people, improving their life and livelihood, appreciating their work, and satisfying their needs. It is important to study the natural, physiological, psychological, material-economic, legal-ideological and spiritual-ethical aspects of human needs and interests in scientific research. As a result of acceleration of globalization and informatization processes in the world, formation of an information society with information and knowledge is being observed. In philosophical studies of the world, socio-philosophical issues of informational, virtual, ethical and aesthetic needs, the issue of communicative and informational interests, as well as the struggle for the information space, actions aimed at occupying the minds of young people, conflicts that are formed on the basis of conflict of interests, research on contradictions and development of new mechanisms research is being conducted. In the researches of the scientists of Western countries, more attention is paid to the study of interest and need, the features of its formation. In the creations and works of Eastern thinkers, it is possible to find that the issues of justice, truth, ideals of the perfect person, and their harmony with the interests and needs of the individual, the nation, are covered in the formation of the worldview of a perfect person. A general theoretical analysis of human needs is based on a dichotomous delimitation, regardless of whether their natural and social manifestations divide them into natural-social types. In such an analysis, various material and spiritual needs can be highlighted as social needs, including economic, moral, intellectual, aesthetic, political and other needs. However, when social needs are considered at the level of a special sociological theory, it is self-evident that they can be characterized as "special social" needs, different from their economic, moral, and aesthetic types.


The concepts of need and interest or interest are comprehensive and include the stages of formation and development, from satisfying the physiological needs of people to their social needs. These social needs were the reason for the origin of the production method in a certain period, and in another period, it is manifested in the form of socio-political, spiritual need. The material and spiritual needs of society members determine the direction of the historical process as the driving force of development. No matter how the need develops, it expresses the roots of the mentality of a certain people or nation, their national interests The fact that the new stage of development of Uzbekistan is being carried out on the basis of the noble idea "from national revival to national rise" indicates the process of changes and reforms in the society. In building a humane mature society based on democracy and social justice, the correct and effective organization of youth work on the basis of achieving high goals in this process has become one of the urgent tasks today. "Building a modern and attractive image of our country, New Uzbekistan has become the main goal of our compatriots"[1]. The formation of a person's worldview takes place through his activity in society, his desire for innovation, and self-confidence. This, in turn, motivates each person to act through the feeling of self-interest, to do something, to satisfy his needs. There is no sector in society that is not connected with young people, that is not part of their life. The need to study the needs and interests of young people requires organizing a sincere communication process with young people, listening to their problems, learning, and talking openly with young people. As the head of state Sh.Mirziyoev said: "In order to ensure human benefits, first of all, it is necessary to communicate with people, people, to know their pains and worries, dreams, life problems and needs well"[2].

Result and Discussion

In the implementation of these tasks, first of all, human interests are monitored and studied. Human interests are formed over the years and are manifested together with the interests of society and people. In this process, every person should have an idea about the essence, structure, laws and stages of development of the society, the internal and external policies of the state, their importance, the necessity of reforms, the activities, goals and tasks of the people, follow them and draw appropriate conclusions. Studying the real needs of young people and assessing their interests is also an important factor in realizing their interests. In the everyday life of young people, the culture of reading books and the formation of the culture of using information in the context of globalization are of great importance. Thoughts about needs are observed in the teachings of ancient philosophers. In particular, in Aristotle's "Ethics of Nicomachean", need is shown as a blessing, want, pursuit of wealth, desires, eating and drinking, satisfying thirst[3]. The Russian researcher S.G. Vorkachev analyzed the views of ancient philosophers and concluded that reflecting needs as an incentive to achieve happiness, states of satisfaction with life activities such as happiness, can be filled with various activities, expressed by many interests, needs of a person, motives, desires, goals, that determines how to feel it, states that fullness - all desires - consists of a "measure of value"[4]. It can be understood that in ancient times, desires, inclinations and goals directly expressed human needs. Another scientist, T.Ya.Silvestrova, analyzed the spiritual-ethical, socio-economic factors of need. Human life is spent in processes directly related to the realization of various needs. When a person comes into contact with society, he matures by satisfying his spiritual-ethical and socio-economic needs, which are important among needs. The scientist said: "Need and interest are manifested and implemented by human activity. Labor is the main source of satisfaction of needs"[5]. According to G. B. Svyatokhin's work: "Benefit - a person's attention is focused on a certain process, object and is based on a need. A need is a need for something. If this condition shows a physiological or biological need of the organism, then the need is called a physiological or biological need. If it is related to the issues of the individual's social existence (making special decisions, mutual relations, owning one's own thoughts and views in society), it is treated as social needs. If a person needs "spiritual food", a spiritual need arises"[6]. states that.

Philosophical literature writes that human needs and interests are objectively determined (whether a person realizes them or not) and is expressed as a philosophical concept. In classifying needs, A.Mukhtorov approaches the fundamental and important foundations of society from the point of view of nature, society, man, economy, property, people, nation, social group, spirituality, labor, state interests[7]. In his studies, the main factor in the formation of the idea and ideology of national independence was the dialectic of needs and interests. Also, the relationship of ideas and ideology with needs and interests in the system of social relations, the problems of need formation in the development of the national idea, the issues of rational need and interests in the emergence of the idea of a free person and the ideal of a perfect person are analyzed. In scientific studies, the characteristic of its satisfaction is mentioned as an important sign of a need. According to Ibrakhim Karimov, meeting individual needs" is the most important sign of its implementation[8]. A.Begmatov essentially explains this idea as follows: "a need is a relationship to things-events in existence arising from the state of an organism or system"[9]. From the definitions given to the need and the opinions explaining their nature, it is known that the need is a manifestation of natural necessity and human inner desire. However, some literature does not pay enough attention to this feature of the need. In the encyclopedic dictionary of "Philosophy" it is defined as "a natural characteristic that appears on the basis of human needs; It is defined as a condition that expresses that a living being is dependent on the obvious conditions of life»[10]. In our opinion, the above-mentioned aspect of satisfaction of the need is not sufficiently disclosed here. In the explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language, need is first of all in everyday life "demand for something; meaning need, necessity, necessity"[11], it is emphasized that it is closely related to the work and activity of human life. Recognizing that a need is a natural characteristic, a state, we would like to say that any state can be part of the concept of need in terms of its orientation towards satisfaction. Philosophy, due to the specific nature of its subject, notes the characteristics of the nature of needs, connecting the factors of psychological or economic research, which it considers to be present in a person, in production and in society as a whole. Therefore, we can say that needs are important characteristics of different types. In the explanatory dictionary of "Spirituality" need (Arabic necessity, demand, need) is recorded as a demand for things necessary for living and functioning. Human activity is the main source of the need. Human needs are formed through education, that is, social education created by humanity, skills, qualifications, habits, spirituality, and values are realized. Therefore, the satisfaction of human needs is determined by creative activity based on a certain plan, related to the level of social development.

Dividing social needs into a separate group in philosophical research requires identifying their main characteristics. However, these two issues have not been fully resolved in the literature. Needs: a concept or a certain aspect of reality (specific not only to a person, but also to society). Man and society are objectively interdependent due to needs. Among all life needs, socio-economic needs have a special place. These needs refer to the demand for material goods and services necessary for people to live, work and lead a life. In this sense, socio-economic needs include material and spiritual needs. Material needs are, first of all, the desires and requirements of people to have useful material goods for themselves and use them to continue their lives. These include many essential items of life and jewelry. Philosophically, the inner reason that urges the subject to vital activity on the basis of the need to satisfy the need is the primary form of selective and active reaction of the total living being to important external conditions. The problem of classifying needs is a logical continuation of the problem of describing their nature and content. The complexity and difficulties associated with the systematization of human needs, their separation and scientific classification are connected not only with the lack of a proper definition of the concept of "need", but also with the fact that the general theoretical and methodological bases of the classification of socio-spiritual phenomena are not sufficiently substantiated.

It is known that socio-economic relations in society are established based on interests. Interest is the main reason for the activity of individuals and social groups. According to the subject of interest, it is divided into individual, group and community interests. Interest related to the satisfaction of specific needs is divided into material and spiritual interests. Spiritual interests, in turn, are divided into such types as political, group, moral. Interests arise when certain needs are met. In a word, where there is no need, there is no interest. In addition, benefit is manifested as a certain blessing to a person. The common interests of the Uzbek people are, first of all, the social relations, national needs, the level of thinking of the people, the moral competence, spirit, traditions and values system that determine the life of the Uzbek people and direct their activities to certain goals. represents the inextricable connection with the personal interests of people who are citizens. In this sense, it is a set of common interests. Today, the common interests of the people are as follows:

- the country's independence, territorial integrity, inviolability of borders;

- peace of the country, protection of the state from military, economic, ideological, ecological, informational threats;

- Development of the homeland, creation of an environment of inter-civil and inter-ethnic harmony, social stability in the country;

- the well-being of each family and the entire nation, the priority of justice in society, the establishment of the principles of democracy, self-management. In the manifestation of common interests, universal values occupy an important place in the social mechanism that helps to achieve its harmony with universal interests. The common interests of our people are aimed at helping to strengthen the direct connection between the noble and common goals of human development throughout the world through the satisfaction of national needs.

Every young person also has needs as human beings. His need creates his place in society, his personal interest. For this, a person lives in his family, works in a community. Each team unites the general workers of this team, while the enterprise conducts business separately from others. Each person as a citizen of his country represents the national interest, the national interest indicates the common goal of the entire nation. A different approach to interests helps predict how each person can behave in the process of economic activity as a subject embodying interests. Economic interests occur in the form of stimuli - awareness - motivation - goal - activity. A goal is set based on interest.

A new and effective system of communication with the people was introduced in our country. The principle "today the people serve our people, not the public authorities, but the public authorities" is changing people's thoughts and worldviews. Of course, this principle is aimed at increasing the welfare of our people and the development of our country. One important aspect of ensuring the interests of young people is directly related to improving the level and quality of life of young people in rural areas. It is important to focus on the implementation of advanced technologies in the regions, to ensure the noble goals and vital interests of each family. Great things are being done in our society in this regard. Another aspect is that the state is creating the necessary conditions for the healthy and well-rounded upbringing of young people. Important works are being carried out on the construction of educational, cultural, art, and sports facilities, housing for young families, employment of young people, and wide involvement of them in the field of entrepreneurship. In today's rapidly changing times, new opportunities are opening up for young people. The efforts aimed at solving the important problems of the time, which are extremely relevant in the youth issues, were created in a harmonious way with various complex processes of the life of the society. In the new legislation of the country, the recognition of young people as the basis of the perspective of society's development, as well as the creation of opportunities for the development of youth organizations, the goal of creating a modern cadre of young people, ensuring the penetration of the intellectual potential of young people into the world community, and the emergence of a new layer of owners from among young people are of great importance. "In the developed, democratic countries of the world, youth organizations do not hold grandiose, lofty events, but focus on working directly with young people, communicating with them, and solving the life problems they are thinking about"[12]. Youth problems are a multifaceted process, and the state pays special attention to its various aspects. In particular, in recent years, new directions of youth policy have been formed, based on the essence of the new era, their scientific and theoretical foundations have been recreated based on the principles of a democratic society, and the methods of finding solutions have been determined by the head of state. Today, the problems related to the thinking and aspirations of young people facing the society have become an important task for the head of the state, which is waiting for its positive solution. Dozens of issues, such as attracting the maximalism and enthusiasm inherent in the nature of young people to the processes of building a new society, protecting them from the destructive influence of various foreign ideologies, raising new personnel reserves for the processes of the market economy, and creating new jobs for young people, will soon be resolved, discussed by the state. needed to be provided. Today, we are all pleased that the role and influence of our determined young people in the implementation of socio-political and economic reforms aimed at building a new Uzbekistan in our country is increasing. In the everyday life of young people, their goals and tasks, interests and future plans, personal potential and conditions created by the state, the situation related to youth policy and its practice are important for both sides - for the state systems implementing youth policy, and for youth organizations focused on youth policy and it imposes a unique historical responsibility for the social layer of the youth. Since human life and activity is manifested as a multifaceted process, its needs also perform functions of various forms and levels.

Human needs occupy a central place in the science of philosophy, because need refers to necessity as a social phenomenon associated with the human organism and mind, that is, regardless of the circumstances, it seeks to satisfy its needs. Needs are related to the inner world of a person. Therefore, based on our research, the formation of harmony of needs and interests in the activities of young people is of urgent importance. When studying the nature and content of needs, they can be researched into different areas. Needs in human life are divided into biological, material-economic, spiritual-spiritual types. The needs of the population, including physiological needs, are related to human health. Physiological needs appear together with material, spiritual, and political needs and affect human education.


In conclusion, the category of need and interest is studied by disciplines such as ethics, social philosophy, political science, and economic theory. General aspects, formation, development and laws of these concepts are widely analyzed in the science of social philosophy. In addition, a high level of consciousness and worldview plays an important role in young people's pursuit of needs and interests, understanding of interests. If these issues are organized in a regular and systematic way, positive changes can be observed. The most important thing is to communicate with young people, closely study their life, life, and work, create sufficient conditions and opportunities for them, and pay attention to improving their social and scientific-creative activities.


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