Vol 6 (2020): June
Village Development Articles

Secretive Mausoleum of Timurids
Mausoleum Rahasia Timurid

Khusenova Mekhrangiz Gayratovna
Silk Road Tourism International University , Uzbekistan *

(*) Corresponding Author
Picture in here are illustration from public domain image or provided by the author, as part of their works
Published June 22, 2020
  • The mausoleum,
  • Timurids,
  • Asharatkhana,
  • the reconstruction,
  • the tourist destination,
  • ...More
How to Cite
Gayratovna, K. M. (2020). Secretive Mausoleum of Timurids. Indonesian Journal of Cultural and Community Development, 6, 10.21070/ijccd2020632. https://doi.org/10.21070/ijccd.v6i0.632


One of the brightest examples of Timurid’s architecture is the Ashatkhana monument attracting many people. Ashratkhana is also appreciated and considered heritage of not only for Uzbekistan, but also for humanity. For this reason, the mausoleum is included in The World Heritage List of UNESCO. However, some unproved and misleading information which is spread by unknown sourses made the monument have misleading opinions. It can be as a result of lack of fundamental and reliable information about the history of building, construction, describtion of the monument. This article describes the history of its construction, structure, research and its aspects as a tourist destination. This monument has been renovated many times over the years and the process is continuing


  1. Samarkand – Crossroad of Cultures. https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/603/documents/
  2. Pugachenkova 1941 - Pugachenkova G.A. Workshop // Gulistan, No. 4. Tash. 10.
  3. WHC Nomination Documentation 603 Rev. https://whc.unesco.org/uploads/nominations/603rev.pdf
  4. Samarkand (Uzbekistan) No 603 Rev July 7, 2000.
  5. https://whc.unesco.org/uploads/nominations/603rev.pdf
  6. Mavluda Yusupova, “Research, History and Problems of Restoration of the Business Complex in Samarkand”. Collection of materials of the scientific-practical seminar "Historical and cultural heritage and modern culture", Almaty, 2012, 320 pages
  7. Abu Tahir Khodja "Samariya", Avtobiography of Tamerlan, 1894
  8. Samarkand (Uzbekistan) No 603rev July 7, 2000, UNESCO file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/603rev-ICOMOS-715-en.pdf
  9. Vyatkin 1958 - // Mausoleum Enterprise. editorials M.E.Massona. Tashkent
  10. Vyatkin 1958 - // Mausoleum Enterprise. editorials M.E.Massona. Tashkent
  11. Mavluda Yusupova, 2012, article “Research, History and Problems of Restoration of the Business Complex in Samarkand”.
  12. Archive ... S-4349 / P-38. Pletnev I.E. Preliminary work on the mausoleum of Ishrathan in the city of Samarkand. Tashkent, 1978, l. 50.
  13. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 7, 2011 № 164 "On conservation, restoration and study of cultural and architectural monuments in Samarkand"
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