Village Development Articles
DOI: 10.21070/ijccd.v4i3.57

Relationship of Innovativeness with Social Justice: an Example from Fishermen Community in Pulau Harapan, Indonesia

Hubungan Inovasi dengan Keadilan Sosial: Sebuah Teladan dari Komunitas Nelayan di Pulau Harapan, Indonesia

Geography Education Muhammadiyah, University Prof. Dr. Hamka

(*) Corresponding Author

innovativeness social justice


This   research   aims   to   determine   the   relationship   between   the   innovativeness   of fishermen on the Islands with social Expectations North thousand islands. The method used was a survey with  the  study  involving  75  sample  correlations.   There are  two instruments  in  measurement  to  the  study  of  social  justice  (reliability  =  .923),  and innovativeness (reliability =   .952). This research data were analyzed using regression correlation which is then verified by test-t and F-test. The results of this research show that there  is  a  positive  and  significant  correlation  between  innovativeness  with  social justice.  It can  therefore  be  inferred  if  the  fisherman's  increased  social  justice  then innovativeness will be a consideration.


Human life needs all the time always increases continuously and human beings always try with all its ability to satisfy the needs of his life. The human desire to continue to meet the needs of living compelled to do activities with work. The fisherman's life needs his opinion still hanging by the amount of fishing that was getting results. Income earnings of fishermen still depends on the results of the fishing that is produced when traveling. Income earnings according to Hicks [1] income is the maximum amount that can be spent and also still can end in the last week or at the beginning of the month. The income of fishermen still depends on the amount of fishing that was getting, so welfare is still associated with a social policy to note specifically. Fishermen's life in addition to getting a living via the sea or fish capture results, on the other hand it should be also seen from the quality of life.

Social justice is an absolute requirement in human relationships that demands would be right to get social rights in a fair and equitable through his life. The demands of Justice in society actually normative demands. Demands that appeared at all levels of social life. According to Olivia [2] , the idea of social justice that emphasizes to redistribution based on the need and value of human beings and the rights of a person on the basis of social status or its productivity. Social justice related to social status and individual productivity in fulfillment of the needs of his life. Social justice in fulfilling quality of life should be based on human beings with healthy living and sustainable as stated by Olivia [2] social justice is considered a foundation for healthy living conditions and sustainable. In essence, this concept ensures an optimal balance between the responsibilities of the individual as a society and their responsibility as individuals to contribute to a just society.

Social justice related to social welfare and social policy for the fulfillment of public services or social services. In addition social justice also associated also with the existence of Justice and procedural justice distributive. Distributive justice is the fair treatment by comparing the ratio of the work with the corresponding income, such as wages, salaries, promotions and other work that he did. The concept of Justice distributive justice distributive where treatment to someone who corresponds to the services performed. Justice distributive according to Caglar [3], at Justice in the distribution of results such as salary, social rights and assistance to staff and prizes. A fundamental principle in the justice distributive is that the individual must think that they get part of the resources are distributed equitably.

Distributive justice in the Organization as a justice should be seen directly from the forefront has been done by workers. Niefoff, Brian Moorman &, Robert [4] suggested that justice distributive the work is reviewed on the basis of the schedule of work, level of salaries, workload, the awards in May and the responsibility of the forefront. It is these indicators can measure the treatment of workers in accordance with the service he has done. Procedural justice according to Bakhshi [5] is justice that focuses on justice journey in which the decision-making process is carried out in the workplace. The concept of procedural fairness occurred when someone carry out an act which is in accordance with the Ordinance. Then Caglar [3] justice procedural judicial procedures and methods used for the determination and measurement factors such as payment, working conditions, promotion, financial opportunities and performance evaluation. In other words Caglar [3] that procedural justice means the perceived fairness of the tools, processes and methods used in the identification of advantages.

Procedural justice in organizations is the work of someone perkerja that has been carrying out with the Ordinances that follow the regulations or developed. Niefoff, Brian Moorman, & Robert [4] reveals that procedural fairness is work that follow work procedures i.e. be, minimization of bias, accurate information, can becorrected, representative and ethical. It is these indicators can measure the appropriate Ordinance workers. Innovativeness of a symptom that occurs in communities that are undergoing the process of heading towards the modern. The level of innovativeness is a limitation where someone adopts new ideas faster than any other individual in the social system. Then Innovative according to Roger [6], innovation is an idea, practice, or object that is considered new by an individual or other unit of adoption.


Innovation itself appeared from the ideas and knowledge based on experience acquired as revealed by Tidd [7], innovation is knowledge that creates something new possibilities through the combined collection of knowledge different, this can be in the form of knowledge of what is technically possible or special configuration that meets the needs that can be articulated in a latent. Innovation is essentially an application of the ideas that are considered new into the shape of a product, process or service in accordance with the opportunities that exist. David Kelley in Lamminan [8] spells out the innovations is not merely a surprising idea, but innovation is also in a relationship with another person, each of which gives the motivation of each one can be creative. In addition, Tidd [7] reveals the Innovation is driven by the ability to see connections, find opportunity and exploit it. It can be said that innovation is the relation with others to motivate each other in creativity and also to take a chance or opportunity toward a new idea. Innovativeness associated also with the speed of new ideas that can be generated as products. Roger [6] Innovativeness is the rate at which an individual or other unit of adoption relatively earlier in adopting new ideas rather than members of other systems. Then in General innovativeness can be classified into five categories: a) innovator; b) early adopters; c) early majority; d late majority); and e laggards).

Therefore, that social justice can be associated with increased social justice as the innovativeness of the fishermen, so in this researcher on social justice fishermen can be connected with the innovativeness of the fishermen in the region.

The purpose of this research was to determine whether there is a relationship between the innovativeness with social justice. The method used was a survey method with causal approach. Data analysis techniques using simple regression analysis. In addition to testing the hypothesis in the analysis is also done testing the correlation coefficient by means of controlling variables independent of a specific variable independent increments against other so-called correlation coefficient of Pearson.

Result and Discussion

Data Description of Social Justice

The results of this research data can be described in the statistical description can be seen in table 1.

Deskriptive Innovativeness Social Justice
Mean 103.867 115.200
Median 103 115
Mode 101 114.00(a)
Std. Deviation 6.737 11.439
Variance 45.387 130.865
Table 1.Descriptive Statistics
Trend Interval F % Category
132 - 140 6 8 Very Agree
115 - 131 34 45 Agree
98 - 114 28 37 Not Agree
94 - 97 7 9 Strongly Disagree
Jumlah 75 100
Table 2.Data Distribution Tendency Of Social Justice

Based on Table 2 the mean and standard deviation 11.439 115.200 on fishermen who give a tendency in favor of 45% agreed that where the need for social justice in the fulfillment of Justice distributive which includes work that is reviewed based on the schedule of work, level of salaries, workload, the awards in May and the responsibility of the forefront. Then the procedural justice also include jobs that follow work procedures i.e. be, minimization of bias, accurate information, can be corrected, representative and ethical.

Data Description of Innovativeness

Trend Interval F % Category
114 - 118 4 5 Very Agree
104 - 113 32 43 Agree
94 - 103 30 40 Not Agree
90 - 93 9 12 Strongly Disagree
Jumlah 75 100
Table 3.Innovative Trends Distribution Data

Based on the Table 3 the mean and standard deviation 6.737 103.867 on fishermen give the trend in favor of 43% agree that the innovativeness for the fishermen is very needed and even has become a habit (culture) to constantly innovate. The innovations undertaken by the fishermen are doing repairs that become routine nature such as repairing nets, boat, and fished fish and so on. Then very happy to accept updates that come from the authorities or experts are experts in terms of the latest technology regarding the cultivation of the sea.

The Relationship between the Innovativeness with Social Justice

The form of the relationship between the innovativeness with social justice can be seen on the regression equation that yields direction coefficient of regression and constant = 86.808 and b =.148 x. To determine the significance level it needs to be in the know f count, which can be shown in table 4.

Sumber Varian dk JK RJK F F tabel
= .05 = .01
Regresi (a) 1 212.346 212.346 4.244* 4.13 7.44
Regresi sisa [a׀b] 33 1307.383 39.618
Tuna cocok 32 1095.038 34.220 .684 ns 1.73 2.17
Error 41 2051.283 500.031
Total 74


** = Significant regression (Fh = 4.244> Ft 0.05) at = 0.05

ns = non significant, meaning linear regression (Fh 0.05 = 0.684 <1.73)

Based on table 4 shows that the regression equations generated by the regression model was significant Ŷ=86.808 + .148. Thus there is a positive and significant relationship between innovativeness with social justice. Then the results of the coefficient of correlation between innovativeness with social justice can be seen in table 5.

Variable Correlation coefficient Determination Coefficient t count t table
= .05 = .01
X 1 - Y R xy = .251 r 2 = .063 2.220* 2.00 2.64
Table 5.The Correlation Coefficient Test Rxy.

note * The correlation coefficient is significant (t count 2.220> t table 2.00 (0.05)

In the table 5 shows there is a very significant relationship between innovativeness with social justice through a regression model Ŷ = 86.808 + .148 x, with the results of correlation = Rxy. 251 and t calculate 2,220 > t.01 table, so that social justice can be determined amounted to 6.3% by innovativeness. Innovativeness is a renewal where someone adopts new ideas faster than any other individual in the social system. Innovative expressed by Roger (1983) the extent to which each individual adopts new ideas relatively quickly from other individuals in a Community system. Innovative in the development community is very quickly sprung up new ideas for useful applications, ideas that appear to be caused by the insistence of modern society to more effective situations and conditions.

The view according to the Soma [8] social innovation on the community can contribute and influence behavior change well in the market, the public sector, and for the purposes of social, economic and environmental. The research was also supported by Rodriguez and Wiengarten [9] in his study of giving an explanation proving that there was a direct influence on the ability of the innovation process by making every effort towards environmental innovation, which once strongly supported about the acceptance of the community of innovation or the renewal of direct effect and change of habits and attitudes of society in its environment. This social innovation is a change will be economic techno-can quickly create new social problems will change, so it can not be avoided when innovation becomes a tradition for modern society.

In fairness of innovativeness in fishermen on the coast based on the data obtained showed interested in the development of new ideas and new information related to technology tools how to fishing that modern innovative works and appreciate others. In line with research results from Kornienko [10] on his Justice cannot be realized to its full potential, but will always affect the desire of the people to be able to live in a better society, with the realization of the practical principles of the theory of Justice.

Then in the acceptance of new ideas for immediate quick switch on average only receive enough to quickly apply them later. Fishermen on the coast in case of switch follow the average technology update glad to follow it, and the average fisherman in General can already apply the handphone so information already can be received quickly. It is generally also the average fisherman on the coast for catching fish such as nets and nets in the creativity to make my own the tools without buying. Also the average fishing boat used to traveling already uses an engine motor. Nicholls & Dees [11] in sociology, first used to refer to the creation of new patterns of human interaction, a new social structure, or a new social relationships. The second, focusing on innovations that are designed to deal with environmental or social problems, to meet the needs of particular social market. The view according to the Soma [8] social innovation on the community can contribute and influence behavior change well in the market, the public sector, and for the purposes of social, economic and environmental. So it can be said that fishing communities in Pulau Harapan Kepulauan Seribu Utara on average receive enough modern technological developments in terms of innovativeness.

The relationship of social justice in this regard was had to the innovativeness of seeking social justice in the form of:

Thus. there is a connection with the innovativeness of social justice on the fishing Pulau Harapan Kepulauan Seribu Utara. The more innovativeness, so the more improve social justice for fishermen in the region.

Figure 1.Connection with the innovativeness of social justice on the fishing Pulau Harapan Kepulauan Seribu Utara


Based on the findings, it can be concluded that if social justice will be increased, then the innovativeness can be consider. The independent variable is also empirically used as predictors of social justice. In this case there are some implications as a result of the findings of this research. The implications of social justice where the determination can be enhanced through the existence of innovativeness as opener early adoption updates that can determine well-being. Therefore to increase social justice fishermen, researchers need to add other variables that are more relevant to be able to involve in the next research that can increase social justice.


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