- Web Seminar,
- Stock Investment,
- Capital Market,
- Fundamental Analysis,
- Technical Analysis
Copyright (c) 2023 Hermanto Hermanto, Nurul Izzah

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This study aimed to enhance the understanding of stock investment principles, specifically technical and fundamental analysis, among beginners in the capital market. Using a web seminar format, the research incorporated socialization methods, engaging investment managers as speakers and a diverse audience of students and lecturers from Probolinggo. An interactive question-answer session was employed to gauge the participants' comprehension. The learning outcomes were evaluated via pre- and post-tests, revealing significant improvements in participants' understanding of technical and fundamental analysis for stock investment. The study underscores the effectiveness of web seminars in fostering informed decision-making in the capital market, thereby minimizing the selection of risky stocks. Consequently, this approach could serve as a valuable tool in global financial education and investment literacy efforts.
- The web seminar effectively fostered investment literacy, highlighting the importance of digital platforms in financial education.
- Participants showed significant improvement in understanding technical and fundamental analysis, underscoring the seminar's impact on investment decision-making skills.
- The study's results imply a minimized selection of risky stocks, hinting at the potential of such educational efforts in enhancing global financial stability.
Keywords: Web Seminar, Stock Investment, Capital Market, Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis.
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