Vol 13 (2022): September
Community Education Development Articles

Group Cohesiveness in Sidoarjo Manganese Community Volunteers
Kohesivitas Kelompok pada Relawan Komunitas Mangan Sidoarjo

Endariyantono Endariyantono
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Effy Wardati Maryam
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia *

(*) Corresponding Author
Picture in here are illustration from public domain image or provided by the author, as part of their works
Published September 30, 2022
  • Group cohesiveness,
  • Volunteers
How to Cite
Endariyantono, E., & Maryam, E. W. (2022). Group Cohesiveness in Sidoarjo Manganese Community Volunteers. Indonesian Journal of Cultural and Community Development, 13, 10.21070/ijccd2022837. https://doi.org/10.21070/ijccd.v13i0.837


This study aims to identify and provide an explanation of the description of group cohesiveness in the Sidoarjo mangan community. This research method is descriptive quantitative with the subject of volunteer members in the Sidoarjo mangan community, totaling 138 people. Determination of the subject using a saturated sampling technique. Saturated sampling technique is a sampling technique when all members of the population are used. The variable in this study is group cohesiveness. The data collection in this study used a psychological preparation scale, namely the Likert scale for the group cohesiveness variable made by the researcher. Analysis of the data in this study using the help of SPSS 18.0 forum windows and Microsoft Excel. The results of data analysis showed that volunteer members of the Sidoarjo mangan community had group cohesiveness in the medium category with a percentage value of 70.3%, which means that volunteer members were able to bring about group cohesiveness when they were in the Sidoarjo mangan community.


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