- Ome TV,
- Teenagers,
- Communication,
- Cross-Cultural,
- Entertainment
Copyright (c) 2024 Fatma Melani Putri, Poppy Febriana

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
General Background: The emergence of communication applications has significantly transformed social interactions, enabling individuals to connect with diverse cultures and backgrounds. Specific Background: The Ome TV application exemplifies this shift by allowing users, particularly teenagers, to meet new friends across the globe, fostering cross-cultural communication despite language barriers. Knowledge Gap: While existing studies highlight the general use of social applications, there is limited research focused on the motivations behind teenagers’ use of Ome TV and how these motivations align with affective theory. Aims: This study aims to analyze the motivations of teenagers using the Ome TV application to form friendships with foreign users through the lens of affective theory. Results: Utilizing qualitative methods, including purposive sampling and virtual ethnographic studies, data were collected through interviews with five informants, including a participant from Malaysia. Findings reveal that the dominant motive for using Ome TV is entertainment, as users engage in casual conversations to alleviate boredom and practice language skills. Novelty: This research offers new insights into the specific motives driving teenagers’ engagement with the Ome TV application, emphasizing the interplay between entertainment and language acquisition. Implications: The results underscore the importance of understanding the social and emotional dimensions of technology use among teenagers, informing future developments in communication applications aimed at fostering meaningful interactions across cultures.
- Entertainment Motive: The primary reason teenagers use Ome TV is for entertainment, engaging in casual conversations to alleviate boredom.
- Cross-Cultural Communication: The application facilitates friendships across diverse cultures, enhancing understanding despite language barriers.
- Language Practice: Users leverage the platform to practice language skills, contributing to personal development and intercultural exchange.
Keywords: Ome TV, Teenagers, Communication, Cross-Cultural, Entertainment
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