- Self-Disclosure,
- WhatsApp,
- Connect Group,
- Interpersonal Relationships,
- Digital Communication
Copyright (c) 2024 Lea Martinez, Nur Maghfirah Aesthetika

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
. General Background: Self-disclosure plays a critical role in building interpersonal relationships by allowing individuals to share personal information that was previously undisclosed. In the digital age, platforms like WhatsApp facilitate such exchanges, especially in group settings. Specific Background: Connect Groups (CG) serve as a community for interpersonal interaction, and self-disclosure among members using WhatsApp is crucial for fostering deeper connections. Knowledge Gap: While self-disclosure has been widely studied, there is limited research on how it occurs within small digital communities like Connect Groups, particularly through messaging platforms like WhatsApp. Aims: This research aims to investigate the dynamics of self-disclosure among Connect Group members using WhatsApp, focusing on the dimensions of self-disclosure in this context. Results: The findings indicate that the majority of CG members fulfill several dimensions of self-disclosure, such as the amount, valency, accuracy, honesty, and intention dimensions. However, three dominant informants did not meet the intimacy dimension, indicating a lack of in-depth self-disclosure. Balanced disclosure among members is shown to contribute to resolving conflicts and strengthening interpersonal relationships. Novelty: This study provides new insights into the nuances of self-disclosure in digital communication within small communities, highlighting how certain dimensions are more prominent than others. Implications: The results suggest that fostering deeper self-disclosure in digital group settings like WhatsApp can enhance relationship quality, contributing to broader discussions on digital communication and group dynamics.
- Most CG members fulfill dimensions like accuracy, honesty, and intention in self-disclosure.
- Intimacy dimension is less prominent, with some members showing limited in-depth sharing.
- Balanced self-disclosure helps resolve conflicts and strengthens relationships in group settings.
Keywords: Self-Disclosure, WhatsApp, Connect Group, Interpersonal Relationships, Digital Communication
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