- design and build,
- website,
- digitization
Copyright (c) 2024 suprianto suprianto, Andre Aditya Pradana

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The development of information technology is now experiencing rapid progress. Therefore, these technological developments reflect the transformation of society towards a deeper engagement with digital tools, especially through internet access and the increasing popularity of website usage. In Watesnegoro Village, the creation of a village website acts as an up-to-date information channel that appeals to internet users. This research aims to help digitize services and also promote the potential of the village through the information system on the website. The methods used in this research are observation and interview. The result of this research is the creation of the Watesnegoro village website consists of observation, data collection, website creation, testing, training. However, the process of digitizing services at the Watesnegoro village office is still not perfect. This is due to the low skills of village officials who are not familiar with online services. In addition, the socialization of the website has not been carried out evenly in the community
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