- Author Guidelines,
- Abstract Formatting,
- Academic Writing,
- Research Communication
Copyright (c) 2024 Lily Amelia Umroh, Ainur Rochmaniah

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
General Background: Effective guidelines for authors are essential to ensure clarity and uniformity in academic writing. Specific Background: The UMSIDA guidelines provide a structured framework for authors to craft articles, particularly focusing on the abstract section, which plays a crucial role in summarizing the research. Knowledge Gap: While various academic institutions have their writing guidelines, there is a need for specific and detailed instructions tailored to the UMSIDA format that authors can readily follow. Aims: This document aims to outline comprehensive guidelines for authors writing articles for UMSIDA, emphasizing the structure and formatting of the abstract. Results: The guidelines specify that the abstract should be typed in Italic 10 pt font, comprising 100-150 words, and must include the problem statement, method, scientific findings, and a brief conclusion. Additionally, language requirements dictate that articles in Indonesian must include abstracts in both Indonesian and English, while those in English require an abstract in English only. Novelty: This structured approach offers authors clear instructions, enhancing the quality and coherence of submissions. Implications: Adhering to these guidelines can improve the overall standard of academic writing at UMSIDA, facilitating better communication of scientific findings and contributing to the advancement of knowledge.
Highlights:- Clear guidelines ensure uniformity and clarity in academic writing for authors.
- The abstract must include a problem statement, method, scientific findings, and a brief conclusion.
- Adhering to these guidelines enhances the quality of submissions and improves research communication.
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