- Augmented Reality,
- Tourism,
- 3D Models,
- System Analysis,
- User Engagement
Copyright (c) 2024 Angger Syanindra Alvin, Suhendro Busono

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Background: The integration of augmented reality (AR) in tourism offers innovative enhancements to visitor experiences. Specific Background: This study aims to develop a research framework for AR-based tourism, focusing on effective tools for user interaction with 3D models. Knowledge Gap: There is a lack of systematic evaluation methods for assessing AR applications in tourism. Aims: The objective is to design and test an AR application that accurately displays 3D models to engage visitors. Results: Analysis shows that all tested 3D objects render correctly with specific markers, and functionality is confirmed across various menus. Tracking capabilities demonstrate effective visibility across multiple distances and lighting conditions, though limitations exist in low-light settings. Novelty: This research presents a structured approach to AR tourism development, highlighting the importance of system performance analysis. Implications: Findings enhance the understanding of AR's role in tourism and stress the need for rigorous testing in application design, informing future innovations in the field.
Highlights :
- Effective tools enhance visitor interaction with AR applications.
- Rigorous testing ensures accurate rendering of 3D objects.
- Performance evaluation identifies limitations in varying conditions.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Tourism, 3D Models, System Analysis, User Engagement
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